Molteni Vernici is proud to present to all its national and international clients the new range of thinners and solvents which are completely in accordance with the last and more recent modifications developed from the European Parliament and the Council to the Enclosure XVII of the Regulation (CE) n. 1907/2006, regarding the registration, the evaluation, the authorization and the restriction of the chemical substances REACH about the aromatic hydrocarbons.
As a matter of fact, after these modifications, several chemical substances used so far at the industrial level have been classified as mutagen and carcinogenic, by creating as a consequence a huge series of problems inside those Companies which have final users of those kind of products.
In fact, inside the Annual Relation about the Chemical Risk all RSPP must insert all workers in lists of exposures, with consequent expensive costs for the Company itself and for the operators' safety, who daily use those substances.
From 1st February 2016, Molteni Vernici, totally in line with the philosophy of the product security, presents to all its clients 3 new thinners and solvents completely free from aromatic substances, called aromatic-free.
By maintaining the historical codes 5000, EC304 and 9501, Molteni Vernici reformulates and offers in this way new technologically innovative and 100% safe products.