Brushed Metal Varnishes
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1k one-component varnish in imitation of brushed metals, it gives light and great brightness to the treated support.
Design made to last, careful manufacturing and precious materials, which have a great resistance against usury of time, atmospheric agents, food and cleaning products, are the main characteristics of a collection which reconfirms the Company's vocation of producing finishings in galvanic imitation with a great quality.
Apt for supports made on metal, plastic, wood and composites, both for indoor (outlines, furniture complements, structures, accessories, handles, tables, chairs, lighting, retail, contract) and for outdoor employments (windows and doors, facades, architecture, structures, stairs, urban areas).
Very appreciated product, thanks to its high resistance against usury, aging, bad weather, and to its great applicative versatility, as well as to its beautiful aesthetic final effect and to the absolute repeatability of the coloration throughout time, concerning both the creation of series industrial products and contract or retail international projects.
Totally covering finish, free from those typical points belonging to metallic products.
Patented finish, which is able to show the brushed effect of the treated supports.
Finish with a direct adhesion on all metals (except for stainless steel) and applicable on all materials different from metals through the emploment of specific ceramic primers.
Applicability both on site and in industrial environments, possibility of shooting and retouching on site.

Spotlight Video
NEVER® BRUSHED is the collection of finishes created by Molteni Vernici in collaboration with the most important international architects that relates, with style and elegance, functionality and design in the world of interior design. From the kitchen to the sleeping area, from retail to hotel, Active adapts to any space to enrich environments with a very recognizable touch of glamour. The wide range of nuances is able to respond to different taste requirements, thanks to the introduction of warm finishes, which emphasize the strong artisan flavor of this collection.
The finishes of the Never® BRUSHED Collection can be used indifferently for indoor and outdoor. Design made to last, accurate workmanship and valuable materials, which resist the wear and tear of time, weather, food and cleaning products, are the common denominator of a collection that reconfirms the vocation of the Company to produce high quality galvanic imitation finishes.
The strong influence of fashion design in the world of interior has pushed Molteni Vernici’s color designers to develop a series of warm and delicate finishes that blends the world of the Italian golden elegance.
Trend, color and elegant taste. The CRS Molteni Vernici has been inspired by all this. In a cold and stern world, the Copper Series wants to be a way to warm up with elegance the world we live in, from furniture pieces to whole structural coverings.
The Luxury™ Series belonging to the Classic Collection is the result of innovation and continuity, which are the distinguishing marks of an identity in constant development. Molteni Vernici’s Designers have achieved it after a long process of approaching. Giving space to two strong planning values: technology and richness. Technology as a reached ripeness; richness as an existential and aesthetic sign.
Both reflected in the deepest essence of the Brand, interpretative tools of the present which have allowed the development of unique and precious nuances.
Suitable for a demanding and unique international market.
Thanks to the employment of nanoceramic resins and a high covering, the Never® Collection is suited to cover supports made on iron, steel, brass, aluminum, zama, ABS, nylon, polycarbonate, polyurethane, MDF, marine plywood, melamine and wood.
It’s highly recommended to use the proper protective nanoceramic products – not only on supports subjected to heavy usury or foot traffic - (7350 for flat surfaces, 17000 for structures), in order to preserve the Never® Collection products in good conditions. In spite of the employment of materials and working processes carefully picked for their properties and performances in outdoor locations, it is reminded that the atmospheric agents can sensitively alter the original condition of the finishes; it is therefore recommended the employment of the proper marine intermediate and nanoceramic protections that don’t alter in any way the finishes. Concerning the cleaning, avoid the use of strong detergents, even of everyday use.