It's with an extreme proud that Molteni Vernici announces that its own series LAYER EFFECT has received the LEED® credits' certification.
LEED® is a program of volountary certification which can be applied to every type of building (both commercial and residential) and it concerns all its own cycle of life, from the design phase to the construction phase.
LEED® promotes a sustainability-oriented approach, recognizing the performance of buildings in key sectors, such as energy and water saving, the reduction of CO2 emissions, the improvement of the ecological quality of the interiors, the materials and resources used, the design and the choice of the site.
Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), the system is based on the attribution of 'credits' for each requirement. The sum of the credits constitutes the 4 levels of certification: basic, gold, silver, platinum.
GBCITALIA (Green Building Council Italy), is the organization promoted by the Trentino Technological District consortium, which introduced the LEED® standard in our country, starting from April 2010. Public bodies, industrial realities and the world of research join the initiative.
LEED® certification, is rapidly establishing itself as a new world standard for eco-compatible buildings (it is now applied in 40 different countries). It allows, better than other tools, to enhance the green characteristics of the properties, giving them significant added value. It also allows easy comparison between alternative properties on the market.

Infinite lines of color and shadow, which start from the hottest and brownish notes of bronze and blend with mastery with the amber and metallic notes of brass, the most coveted union between copper and zinc, giving life to incredible games of architecture and design that no one had managed to obtain before at the industrial level.
Lines of color and shadow that never find an end, that follow each other in a parallel way in all their symmetrical beauty and architectural uniqueness, straight and precise like knife blades to mark the right direction of the true Made in Italy style in all its splendor.
Lines that never cross each other, lines capable of giving life to the unique and unmistakable textures of a design that is configured worldwide as the most precious and glamorous design ever.
Finally, lines that are able to transform any surface of metallic, plastic or woody nature into surfaces of real bronzed brass and true brushed burnished copper, thus compensating for all those chemical-physical limits linked to the world of real bronzing and true industrial burnishing.
Layer Effect. Guarantee of beauty and design. Made in Italy.